So exlusive to this blog we've managed to get an exclusive interview with former british prime minister Tony Blair.
J:Good morning Mr Blair.
TB: Good morning, and may i say that i am massive fan of your website.
J: Thanks Tony, If i can call you that.
J: Thanks, So Tony when did you first become interested in Balls? Was it something that came to you later in life or has it been a life long obsession.
TB: Execellent question. I think i've always been aware that balls existed but never really thought of them as anything special. That was until one day at Camp David Mrs Bush suggested I take a look at George's balls. Obviously it was an extremely exciting occasion....i followed George upto his ballroom where he showed me where he kept his impressive array of balls. He had hundreds off balls. Meatballs, tennis balls, a particularly fine lemon baller, a manuiequine of Ed Balls, Cannon Balls,Golf Balls, Bowling Balls,Dodgeball (DVD- collectors edition) .
J: what's your favourite ball and why
TB: Well, i've got quiet a collection, but I would have to say my favourite are Fish balls. There is something very eternal about letting a fish ball roll around your tongue.
J: Agreed, so what's the favourite ball you own.
TB: Easy that's a Dunlop Pro 3 squash ball 2007 vintage
J: And what would you say to say someone whose thinking of taking up ball collecting?
TB: Well, it's a great fun, a great way to meet people, also while balls can cost upto millions and are traded on some of the leading exchanges in the world you can start your collection for next to nothing.
J: Thanks Tony
TB: Any time
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